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How not to exchange time for money when brand building.

This is what we mean by 'Full Service'.

Teju Aluko

CXO | Strategic Trailblazer | Host 🗣️ The Experiential Way Podcast

September 30, 2024

I've had a tons of meetings with our Stakeholders, Stakeholders Internal Teams this past week and it's honestly the most fulfilling part of my role here at Branperience as Chief Experience Officer. 

The meetings led to me thinking about a Michael B. Jordan interview he did with Boardroom earlier this year where he spoke about the '...obsessiveness and commitment you've got to have for the team around you', and he's spot on.

When designing Branperience's Brand Architecture I was relentless in my pursuit as a 'Full Service Firm' opposed to a niche tactic agency. As an avid Spa-goer, full-service is important. I need a place to go where I could get everything done, all at once or whenever I need it, as not every time will I need the whole shebang, but if I did, it's available.  In addition, the Spa is accustomed to servicing me and had full access and records of the wellness journey I've been on, verses me having to explain the details each time,  to a new business, masseuse or esthetician, in hopes of some cohesion with what the others had already attempted. It would cost me a lot of time and money to use various places, and start the process all over each time, instead of the the one-stop shop, the Spa. A general rule of thumb is to never exchange time for money, in anything you do.

That's also how I viewed business.

'Trading hours for dollars' as we say in the business world, is what I've found to be a big area of contention with the businesses we've encountered over the years; in particular, inside the team building arena. And that again, was at the front of my mind with Branperience's full- service approach.

As defined, we're a Firm intentionally curated to provide comprehensive services a of particular kind; the kind being, an end-to-end brand experience. As one of our most impactful areas inside our three-pronged approach, team development and retention (business management), ensures our Stakeholders aren't exchanging 'time for money' within the most important area of a sustainable brand and experience, their internal Stakeholders. I discussed internal teams and their importance at length on our podcast, The Experiential Way, a while ago, it's a quick 25 minutes. 

To further confirm, SCORE's Spring 2023 Megaphone of Main Street: Employee Engagement report surveyed more than 1,500 small business owners on employee-related issues, including hiring and retention, and the impact on their businesses, and uncovered two of their top three concerns were hiring the right talent (60.7%) and retaining and motivating employees (33%).

Those two concerns require capacity and commitment. If those two skills are absent, small businesses owners result in exchanging time for money inciting a series of one-off tactics, contractors, and quite frankly, nothing at all, in an effort to stay afloat.

"This is a continual journey – treating employees as your number one asset is not a 'check the box,' but a continuous work in progress...It is a journey with no endpoint." - Mary Kruse, CEO and owner of HealthSource Solutions in Minneapolis, Minn.

It requires that 'obsessiveness' Micheal B Jordan was referencing in his interview to maintain a team and the courage to seek partnerships who support the need.

Our Stakeholders understand the wholistic approach - as with the Spa - it takes to rebuild, reset, rejuvenate, and sustain the whole being...which in business layman's terms: to rebuild, rebrand, execute, and manage a brand experience from the inside out. Additionally, they understand how important a well informed and engaged team is to the equity of the brand. 

Our full-service approach allows for us to manage this ever-flowing process while our Stakeholders are able to focus their time and resources on profit generating activities, as they essentially have a 'HR + Business Management functioning' group to keep things a float - Branperience

As I prepare for another week and round of our Stakeholders, Stakeholders team meetings, I'm reminded of the ROX + ROI derived from our full-service approach, which according to our Stakeholders is 'a life and brand saver'. A few benefits that have been proven, which immediately come to my mind are:

  • Filling the skills gap

  • Additional capacity

  • Fresh perspective

  • Increased accountability

And not to mention maximizing their investment instead of spreading it thin, 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' or having to re-invest in the same tactic several different times with no strategy or results. 

That's what I mean  when I say we're full-service.

That's the 'obsessiveness' Micheal B. Jordan was referencing that leads to brand advocacy and loyalty from the inside out.  It’s not our aim to enhance their teams output as we strategize, deploy, and manage their end-to-end brand experience.

If you could benefit from a full-service Branperience experience to support your obsessiveness and commitment to your team, click HERE


An Intuitive Empath and Chief Experience Officer of Branperience with over 18 years of branding and marketing experience within various industries and leading organizations before pioneering Branperience, a full-service brand experience firm, in 2018.

"The very thing I was criticized for as a child , being in tune with my feelings + emotions , is the exact superpower I've used to impact the world."

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